Fairmount Public School

Fairmount Public School

PO Box 228
400 East Main
Fairmount, ND 58030

School Phone Lines

District/High School Office: 474-5469
Elementary Office: 474-5987
Fax Machine: 474-5862


Superintendent: Steve Hall
High School Principal: Jay Townsend
Elementary Principal: Jay Townsend
Business Manager: Amy Gebro

Support Personnel

Counselor: Kim Quast
Facilitator (Technical): Tyson Eli
Facilitator (Material): Amy Gebro
Media Specialist: Vickie Medenwaldt
Office Secretary: Amy Gebro
Head Custodian: TBD

Technology Issues

Elementary Rep.: Jay Townsend/Tyson Eli

High School Rep.: Jay Townsend/Tyson Eli

Mail Delivery

Mail delivered to school: 8:30 AM

Mail goes out: 3:30 PM

Material can be routed via bus through Center Office in Wahpeton