Medical Terminology – (MISO3-07036) (online course)
Grades 10-12; 1 credit; 18 or 36 weeks
Course Description: In this course, students will develop skills necessary for decoding of commonly used medical terms. Students will learn the meaning of medical suffixes, prefixes, and word roots. Students will learn terminology associated with the body systems, diseases and disorders of those systems. Students will be expected to use correct spelling and pronunciation of medical terms they have learned. Students will also learn common medical abbreviations.
Medical Terminology/BOTE 171 – Dual Credit Course
Grades 10-12; 1 High School Credit/ 4 college credits; 18 weeks
Course Description: Study of prefixes, suffixes, and root words of medical terms and their meaning, spelling and pronunciation. Emphasis on building a working medical vocabulary based on body systems. Study of the location, functions, and terminology of the origin of the various systems of body. This course is taken online through SRCTC-Wahpeton and NDSCS. College tuition fees are required.